Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Why hate on YA?

If you read a lot of young adult fiction, you've probably been scoffed at on at least one occasion. For some reason, YA books are looked down upon as 'lesser' books than the classics or even standard adult literature. I'll be the first to admit that the YA genre has numerous downfalls: there's the couples that fall in love instantly, the angsty teenage protagonists, way too many vampires and a lot of stereotypical main characters. That being said, every category has negative aspects that are overdone and annoying, but that doesn't mean that every single book aimed at said audience is 'less' of a book based on it's target audience!

'Young adult' is an age category. Now that doesn't mean that only teenagers and those just older/younger will be able to appreciate the book, nor does it limit the age of any person who is able to read the book. It's simply a target. Young adult books are aimed at young adults; they cover themes, characters and situations that are particularly relevant to reader's in that age group. Note, particularly. Not restricted to, not disadvantaged by. Those kinds of readers are simply, in general, the target market for the novel's content.

Every book has the potential to be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of the genre and age classification. J.K Rowling's Harry Potter series is classified as children's literature, but the novels are enjoyed by children, teenagers and adults all over the world! Just because someone reads young adult fiction does not mean that they're less of a reader than someone who reads the classics. We should all be encouraging reading, regardless of the genre! Reading is so important for people and can be such a positive influence, especially on young adults whose minds are still forming and shaping them into the people they will soon become. If you don't want to read young adult literature because you think you're above it, that's fine. Just keep that opinion to yourself.


  1. The only people who think they're above YA lit are the people who have never read it.

    1. Exactly. I'm not trying to push YA on them... I just want people to be more encouraging about reading as a whole, rather than so judgemental about what people actually read.
