"The first rule about fight club is you don't talk about fight club."

The Good
I enjoyed this book. I found a lot of really great quotes that I can easily apply to my own life and life in general, which is always a sign I connected with a book. Fight Club is filled with extremely unique and unusual characters and they are so realistic. I found the plot relatively easy to follow; HOWEVER, I had previously seen the movie, which definitely helped me to keep up. The novel is also littered with little interesting facts, that I'm not sure are true or not, but they were fun to read and learn about.
The Bad
Now, these things aren't necessarily bad... They are just things that might be a problem for some people. The plot is quite intricate, and if you haven't seen the movie, then you might not have any idea what's going on. The writing style is 100% unique, and it took several chapters before I was able to immerse myself in the story, and even then, it took me quite long to read considering how short it is. Like I said before, I am also certain that I would not have followed the plot easily if I hadn't already seen the film and therefore known what was happening.
The Recommendation
This is very unorthodox for me, but if you know nothing about Fight Club, I am actually going to recommend that you go and watch the movie first before you read this book. I know, it's a strange recommendation, but the movie is fantastic and a lot easier to follow, and it doesn't take away form my impressions of the book either. Don't be fooled by the shortness of this novel; don't go into it looking for a light, easy read, because you certainly won't get one. This book is hard work (as far as reading goes), so I would recommend reading it when you're in the mood for something that really makes you think.
You can find out more about Fight Club here.
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