Sunday 16 November 2014

NaNoWriMo Week Two - Wrap Up

So we're halfway through November, and that means 25,000 words and hopefully the midpoint of your novel's plot. If you missed the wrap up for my first week, you can see how well I did here. If you somehow have stumbled upon this post and you have no idea what NaNoWriMo is, you should check out that post, and maybe the website as well. Here's how I did in the second week of NaNoWriMo.

Day Eight
Words Written: 2,057
Word Goal (total): 13,336
Total Word Count: 17,374

Day Nine
Words Written: 2,213
Word Goal (total): 15,00
Total Word Count: 19,587

Day Ten
Words Written: 0
Word Goal (total): 16,670
Total Word Count: 19,587

Day Eleven
Words Written: 3,537
Word Goal (total): 18,337
Total Word Count: 23,124

Day Twelve
Words Written: 0
Word Goal (total): 20,000
Total Word Count: 23,124

Day Thirteen
Words Written: 1,007
Word Goal (total): 21,671
Total Word Count: 24,131

Day Fourteen
Words Written: 413
Word Goal (total): 23,338
Total Word Count: 24,562

Day Fifteen
Words Written: 5,818
Word Goal (total): 25,000
Total Word Count: 30,380

This week had some pretty average moments, and a few really amazing moments. Currently, I'm 5,000 words over the word count goal, which I'm very happy with. I hope that your NaNoWriMo is going splendidly and you're reaching your own personal goals.

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Saturday 8 November 2014

NaNoWriMo 2014 - Week One Wrap Up

A week ago now, I embarked on a journey that has so far, been really amazing:

NaNoWriMo 2014

If you don't know what NaNoWriMo is, you can visit their website or you can check out my announcement post about it. But I'm fairly sure that all you know something about the month of which thousands of people write novels (and if you didn't, that's a brief synopsis). If you want to see some more detailed information about how I've gone each day, then you should head over here and watch my daily vlogs, which I'll continue to do for the rest of November. This post is the wrap up for my first week of NaNoWriMo. 

Day One 
Word Count: 0
Daily Goal (total): 1,666
Total Words: 0

Day Two
Word Count: 2,404
Daily Goal (total): 3,333
Total Words: 

Day Three
Word Count: 4,363
Daily Goal (total): 5,000
Total Words: 6,855

Day Four

Word Count: 2,372
Daily Goal (total): 6,666
Total Words: 9,227

Day Five
Word Count: 2,981
Daily Goal (total): 8,333
Total Words: 12,208

Day Six
Word Count: 1,139
Daily Goal (total): 10,002
Total Words: 13,347

Day Seven
Word Count: 1,970
Daily Goal (total): 11,669
Total Words: 15,317

So far, NaNoWriMo has been an amazing experience and I'm so glad that I've done as well as I have so far. I'm really happy with my results, and I'm still really ahead which has made the whole experience a lot more enjoyable. If you're doing NaNoWriMo this year, add me as a writing buddy!!! I hope all of your word counts have gone well so far. Good luck and happy writing. 

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Monday 27 October 2014

NaNoWriMo 2014 - Announcement

As you can probably tell from the title, I have an important announcement to make today...

I'm participating in NaNoWriMo this year! 

I'm sure that most of you know what NaNoWriMo is, but if you don't, here's a brief summary. For the month of November, you try and write a 50,000 word novel. Yep, that's right. A novel. In 30 days. It sounds crazy, but so many people all over the world participate each year, and in 2014, I'm going to be one of those people. If you're interested in this super crazy idea, there's a link at the end of this post. 

So for obvious reasons, I'm not going to be sticking to my usual posting schedule during the month of November. Instead, I'll be making one post a week (every Friday) all about the progress I've made during that week. If you're not interested in NaNoWriMo, then I'm sorry, and things will go back to normal from the start of December. 

I'm not going to be giving you any details about my idea, because I don't like to do that. But I will be giving you updates about my word count and those kinds of things. I'm also going to be daily vlogging on my YouTube channel, so if that sounds like something you'd be interested in, there's a link at the end of this video like always. 

Let me know if you're participating in NaNoWriMo, and you can add me as a writing buddy here. Good luck to everyone who's participating!! 

You can find out more about NaNoWriMo here
You can follow me on Twitter here.
You can add me as a friend of Goodreads here.
You can subscribe to me on YouTube here.

Friday 24 October 2014

Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas - Review

**A note on my notes: This review will be spoiler free if you have read Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight.**

"Queen of Traitor? Only she can decide."

Heir of Fire starts off with Celaena in Wendlyn. She's desperate to find some answers regarding the Wrydkeys and how to stop the King from using them. In order to do so, she's forced to spend several months training with a Fae warrior called Rowan, and Celaena is not very keen on this at all. The novel also follows Chaol and Dorian back in Adarlan, as well as introducing some new perspectives.

The Good
This book introduces a lot of new characters, and I loved all of them. All of their voices were different, and it was very easy to tell when the perspective changed, which is always a sign of a talented author. Heir of Fire brings a lot (and I mean a lot) more information about the world the story is set in. There's a lot more backstory and a lot of new discoveries that answered some of the many questions I had after reading Crown of Midnight. The last 100 or so pages of this book just take it to a whole new level, and I read the end section probably twice as fast as I read the beginning.

The Bad Slightly Less Than Good 
It took me a lot longer to get into this book that it did for the first two. But the ending really made up for it, so I wasn't bothered at all by the extra time it took me. This book is also a lot longer than the first two, which again, isn't a bad thing at all... It just means that it takes a little longer to get through. Other than that, I can't really fault this book at all.

The Recommendation
Obviously, if you've read the first two books, then you should 100% continue on with the series. If you haven't read the first two books, you really need to. They're amazing. I've done reviews for them here and here. I've also done video review for all three books on my YouTube channel, which is linked at the end of each post. I've you're into any kind of fantasy, then you will really love this series.

You can find out more about Heir of Fire here
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Monday 20 October 2014

Dewey's 24 Hour ReadAThon - Wrap Up!!

It's done!! The past 24 hours (32, by the time this goes live) have been completely hectic, and I'm now very, very tired. I will be uploading a video where I talk in more detail about my readathon experience, but in the meantime, you can all read a quick review about the books I read here. Also, if you want to find out more about any of these books, click the book title to visit their Goodreads pages (I know, I'm a technology whiz).

MAUS - The Complete Volumes by Art Spiegelelman
I'm not going to talk about these separately because I read them right after each other, with only a few hours sleep in between. This was my first experience with a graphic novel, and it was a good one. The story was told in a way that really suited the content, and I was really engaged in the narrative. I'm so glad that I read this story, and it's sticking in my mind still, which is always a good sign! I would really recommend this graphic novel to everyone, because it deals with really important historical content and themes.

Slaugherhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut
I picked this book up for the weekend because it was really short (only 175 pages) so I knew I would easily be able to get through it in the 24 hours. It did take me a lot longer than I thought it would, because the content of this book is somewhat strange... But I loved this story and it contained so many amazing quotes that I couldn't help but highlight. It's hard to tell you what genre this book is in, and I can only describe it as a mixture between dystopian, science fiction and historical fiction, as well as a reflective piece about a character's life... If that sounds like your kind of book, then for sure read this.

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
I only read 51 pages of this before the 10pm cut off, but I really love it so far. The world is so interesting and I'm very invested in the story at the moment. I'll be sure to post a full non-spoiler review on my blog when I finish it, and if I have anything somewhat interesting (and spoilerly) to say about it then I might post a video as well.

Make sure you all let me know how your readathon went if you participated. As always, happy reading!!

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You can subscribe to me on YouTube here.

Friday 17 October 2014

Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins - Review

**A note on my notes: This review is spoiler free.**

"A blank canvas...has unlimited possibilities."

Isla and the Happily Ever After is the second and final companion novel in the Anna and the French Kiss trilogy. The story is once again set in the School of America in Paris; however, this time it follows Isla, her best friend Kurt and her love interest Josh, as they try to navigate through their senior years.

The Good 
I loved this book. I flew through it so quickly because it was just so adorable and easy to read. The plot was very interesting and I felt like the problems Isla and Josh faced were a lot more realistic than the problems Lola and Anna faced in the previous books. The romance is adorable. Isla as a character is going to be very relatable to some people because she has absolutely no idea what she wants to do with her life and is extremely jealous of those who are passionate about something.

The Bad
First of all, I really enjoyed this book. In saying that, I've seen a few other reviews where people haven't enjoyed this book that much at all, and it's all because of the characters. Some have said they thought the characters were a little flat, that they had no substance. On the other hand, I didn't think that at all. Isla is completely consumed in Josh; all she thinks about is him, all she wants to do is be with him, and that can get a little annoying sometimes.

The Recommendation
If you read the previous two books, then I would recommend looking into this one. The love story isn't as developed, but it's still a really good read. If you haven't read the other two books, then I strongly suggest that you read them first! While it's not critical, you will be spoiled about some major details at the end of Isla, and you'll for sure regret not reading the other books first. I've done reviews on them here and here.

Happy Reading!

You can find out more about Isla and the Happily Ever After here
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Thursday 16 October 2014

Dewey's 24 Hour ReadAThon!!

First of all, I know! It's Thursday and I'm posting something. Don't worry, a review will be up tomorrow like usual... This is just a little something extra, because the Dewey's 24 Hour ReadAThon is happening this weekend!!!

If you've never participated in this readathon before (don't worry, neither have I), then you can find out more information here. But basically, it starts on the 18th of October and finishes 24 hours later on the 19th, and in that time you just read as many books as you can. Depending on where you live, your starting time on the 18th will be different, so you can check out a list of different start times here.

If you're interested in seeing my TBR list for the 24 hours, you can watch me talk about it in this video:

I'll also be doing a little week-long readathon that follows immediately on from this one, that is being hosted by Cat from Little Book Owl. This isn't anything official, just something that she's doing for fun and I decided to join in too. If you want to see the video where she talks about it or to see her TBR list, click here

If you're interested in participating in Dewey's readathon, then you can sign up here. If you're participating in the readathon, make sure you keep an eye on my YouTube channel and my Twitter for my reading updates, and if you're going to keep readathoning after the 24 hours with Cat, then make sure you watch her video and let her know in the comments. 

 Happy Reading!!

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