Sunday, 16 November 2014

NaNoWriMo Week Two - Wrap Up

So we're halfway through November, and that means 25,000 words and hopefully the midpoint of your novel's plot. If you missed the wrap up for my first week, you can see how well I did here. If you somehow have stumbled upon this post and you have no idea what NaNoWriMo is, you should check out that post, and maybe the website as well. Here's how I did in the second week of NaNoWriMo.

Day Eight
Words Written: 2,057
Word Goal (total): 13,336
Total Word Count: 17,374

Day Nine
Words Written: 2,213
Word Goal (total): 15,00
Total Word Count: 19,587

Day Ten
Words Written: 0
Word Goal (total): 16,670
Total Word Count: 19,587

Day Eleven
Words Written: 3,537
Word Goal (total): 18,337
Total Word Count: 23,124

Day Twelve
Words Written: 0
Word Goal (total): 20,000
Total Word Count: 23,124

Day Thirteen
Words Written: 1,007
Word Goal (total): 21,671
Total Word Count: 24,131

Day Fourteen
Words Written: 413
Word Goal (total): 23,338
Total Word Count: 24,562

Day Fifteen
Words Written: 5,818
Word Goal (total): 25,000
Total Word Count: 30,380

This week had some pretty average moments, and a few really amazing moments. Currently, I'm 5,000 words over the word count goal, which I'm very happy with. I hope that your NaNoWriMo is going splendidly and you're reaching your own personal goals.

You can add me as a writing buddy here
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You can subscribe to me on YouTube here.

1 comment:

  1. Y'all find a whole gobba'm -
    thotzNideers - on me blogOramma,
    free-as-the-wind, just for YOU.
