"Every woman wants a man who'll fall in love with her soul as well as her body."
Set in 1999 - a time where the Internet isn't the centrality it is today - Attachments follows three characters who work in various sections of The Courier newspaper. Beth and Jennifer are two friends who constantly email each other back and forth using their work emails and it's Lincoln's job to monitor everyone's work emails to ensure they aren't sending personal messages. Lincoln quickly becomes engrossed in the personal lives of Beth and Jennifer and the novel follows Lincoln as he embarks on a journey to finally get his life together.
The Good
I enjoyed this book a lot, but it's not my favourite Rainbow Rowell book. Attachments is so easy to read. There are sections of the text that are written as the emails that Beth and Jennifer send to each other and I found these sections to be hilarious and very interesting. I loved the two females characters despite hardly seeing them interact other than through their emails. The three main characters all deal with very mature issues that real-life people will all probably face at some point in their lives. I found the final third of the book really picked up and I flew through it so easily.
The Bad
If you don't connect with Lincoln, or are completely opposed to what he has to do for his job, then you won't relate to him as the protagonist, which is obviously an issue. I found the first two thirds of the book to drag on a little bit (and I really mean a tiny bit; I still read it very fast) because Lincoln was thinking about the same problems over and over again. I didn't connect to any of these characters as much as I did in Fangirl and Eleanor and Park, but that's probably only because I'm closer in age to the latter characters.
The Recommendation
If you've read another book by Rainbow Rowell, then you will love this book. If you primarily read YA fiction and are looking to branch into adult books, then this would be a good book to start you off with. If you're looking for a quick, easy read then this is the book for you.
You can find out more about Attachments here.
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