Monday, 7 July 2014

American Horror Story - Seasons 1-3 Review

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**A note on my notes: This review is spoiler free.**

Over the past two weeks, I've binge watched American Horror Story, and I'm not ashamed to say I've finished all three seasons. It's not my favourite television show of all time. In fact, it's not even close. It would never make my top five, probably not even my top ten, but I did really enjoy this show.

So if you've never heard of American Horror Story, each season follows a completely different set of characters that are some how affected by something supernatural. The seasons aren't related at all, so if you are most attracted to season three or don't want to watch season two, it doesn't matter! Also, if you're worried about the show being scary, it's really not. Once you get past the opening credits, the show isn't scary at all.

Season One
This season follows a married couple and their teenage daughter who have just moved into what they hope is their dream house. Unfortunately for them, it turns out to be haunted. This is my least favourite season out of the three; however, I still enjoyed it. I think the characters were complex and had issues they were working through that were somewhat believable (apart from the haunted house thing). Just past halfway though, I did think the plot started to become a little bit repetitive, but I still enjoyed it. Overall, I did enjoy this season, though it isn't really anything special.

Season Two
In the second season, we move to an asylum. I really enjoyed this season, and I think the characters in this season were the best out of all three. They were really well developed, and their development wasn't rushed at all, which in a television show is compelling because you can become more invested in the characters. This season switches between between present day, where the asylum is shut down and abandoned, and the past, where the asylum is running. I didn't really like this aspect of it, because the present day events wasn't really relevant to the overall plot, apart from right at the very end of the season. There is some sort of supernatural/alien aspect to this season which I also didn't like because it wasn't developed enough. Overall though, I thought this season was a lot better than the first, and I liked it a lot.

Season Three
The final season follows a coven of witches. While the characters in this season weren't as developed as they were in the second one, they were still really interesting. If this show was a book, it would definitely be in the YA section because the characters are sassy teenage girls, which was a nice change from the crazed mental patients from season two. Emma Roberts plays one of the witches and I think she did an incredible job! I think the plot for this series was a bit stagnant at times, but I did really enjoy it. I think the ending about the next Supreme was very predictable, but was still a fantastic ending to the season.

Like I said before, I did enjoy this show, but I didn't love it. I will probably continue on with the other seasons as they're released, but I'm not excited enough for them to watch them as they come out weekly and will probably watch the entire season like I did this time.

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You can watch American Horror Story here.

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