Thursday, 17 July 2014

BookTubeAThon Day Four!!!!

The halfway point has already been crossed, and the forth day of the BookTubeAThon is almost over.

Toady was a lot more successful for me than yesterday. I managed to finish The Romeo and Juliet Code, and then picked up a new book almost straight away. The book I choose to read was not on my original TBR list, but I needed to choose a book I new would be fast paced in order to catch up for the lack of reading I achieved on day three.

The book I choose was Pathfinder by Orson Scott Card. This book is huge, with a total of 657 pages. It's a science fiction novel and I tend to really enjoy that genre, which is one of the reasons I decided to pick it up. So far today, I've read 228 pages of it, and I'm hoping to get about halfway - at least to 330 pages - before I go to sleep tonight/tomorrow morning.

In summary, today I read:
The Romeo and Juliet Code - 158 pages (completing the 296 page book)
Pathfinder - 228/657 pages
Total Pages for Day Four (so far): 386
Total Pages: 1,031

I am absolutely stoked with these totals! I'll be back tomorrow with another update. Happy Reading!

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